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I heard a rumour this year that the ‘regular’ iPhone 8 and 8 plus successors might not have 3D Touch to keep costs down ie they’ll have Face ID instead. Let’s face it, 3D Touch has been a failure. Loads of people I know are barely aware of it. It adds weight and cost to each iPhone with dubious returns.

3D Touch really came about as the UI was getting so conplicated. And I suppose for the main marketing message for the 6s and 6 plus. That’s funny to think about for a moment: the marquee feature of the 6 series iPhones was 3D Touch. And that the battery - and battery life - was smaller than the one in the 6 series to accommodate this ‘feature’. The obvious solution here is for apple to take a big step back and reduce the complexity of the iPhone UI so that people don’t have to use 3D Touch.

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Especially as they don’t for the most part (admittedly this statement is anecdotal rather than based on a wide data set). Let’s hope then that ditching this component results in cheaper and lighter iPhones with bigger batteries. Click to expand. You Really can’t compare the iPad to the iPhone, because the iPhone is really on its own tangent why the 3.5 mm Jack was retained for the iPad and not for the iPhone. Even though the iPad is portable, it’s still a stationary device for many consumers. However, the iPhone they deleted the Jack because they believe that it was antiquated and it was reducing space for other hardware improvements, but Apple also realized that the iPhone is a highly mobile device where consumers always on the go and the AirPods were an alternative to be free of wires as well.

It’s just their view of the Bluetooth future, even though not everybody agrees with their decision. Click to expand.I really think that you might be right here. Also an important part of what the SE is meant to be is a low cost phone and:.

Re-engineering it significantly from its roots is going to add cost on. And it is meant for the middle cases in the developing world who might not appreciate having to buy replacement dongles, new cases etc. If they do keep the headphone jack, I hope that they can build in waterproofing. I think the removal of the jack from the 7 onwards was more about getting enough room to fit in 3D Touch, the Taptic Engine and the new home button plus putting in a larger battery than thy were able to for the 6s. Anyway I have a feeling that we’ll all find out in 2-3 weeks time whatever the case.

Click to expand.That’s a good point. It really feels like it could go either way now. I’d prefer a shrunken down iPhone 7/8 ie SE body with non physical home button and Taptic Engine. But when you think about it I think it’s hard for them to fit the Taptic Engine into a smaller space.

So now I’m inclining towards the SE body but with iPhone 8 processor and camera (and maybe just the 7 screen) Why else would SE owners upgrade if it were just the next processor and camera up from the 6S /A9? Then it makes you think maybe the inductive charging mock ups aren’t all strange if it is going to be the A11 and sub system. And yeah we’ll know soon enough. The SE being a hybrid product from the outset the SE2 is hard to guess as it could be a mix of any parts from the 5s to the 8.

I will be the cynic here, the reason Apple won’t retain the 3.5 mm Jack as much as everybody seemingly believes that they will, is because it would go against everything that they already said. Reflect back on what multiple Apple executives had said that the 3.5 m Jack is antiquated and dated technology. It would be a horrible business practice to retain the 3.5 mm Jack on a newly released iPhone and then not have it incorproated on the other iPhone models given their statements. Apple Believes is in the future of a wireless world with Bluetooth, and that’s one of the reasons why the AirPods exist. Also on the same tangent, I also have a very high doubt an iPhone SE will launch during WWDC 2018, I could be wrong, as no one really expected the iPad Pros to launch last year during WWDC, but then again, iOS 11 was very much in tune to the new iPad Pro and it’s capabilities.

But it’s seemingly very rare that an iPhone would launch during WWDC 2018, as it’s technically more software and developer focus then it is hardware. Click to expand.Have you heard anything since this? People still seem to be talking about the this size iPhone still happening, however the dispute doesn't seem to be so much whether the device will be launched or not, but more what the name will be. (some say SE2, others say iPhone 9) (Though knowing Apple, they will throw us all a curveball, and it will be something completely different entirely). (I do hope they keep the headphone jack though).

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If they do, I'm buying! (but I won't hold my breath!). I recently got a pair of iPhone SEs on the AT&T Prepaid sale, and while I'm quite happy with my purchases, one of which is for me as a toy iOS device on WiFi, and one which is a gift to replace an old iPod running iOS 8 or something like that, they feel very long in the tooth, and it's time for that form factor to go. I know that the narrower form factor has a cult following, and I LOVED my iPhone 4s, but with apps going the way they are going, having a larger screen is the present, and having an even larger screen than that is the future.

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I loved the iPhone 4s, and how small it was, but I'm now acknowledging that my future phone is probably a Note 9. It's shocking when you use a phone with a larger screen and then go back to a tiny screen, and it feels, well, TINY.

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This entry was posted on 26.02.2020.