Hot Girls And Dirt Bikes


Guys on sport-bikes are such a turn on! If it's a cruiser, not so much for me. Now-a-days, guys on cruisers are typically older men (not every single on of them, just most) so they're not hot.

For me though, more than anything, the sexiness comes from the bike. Weird, I know. Any man can look sexy on a sport bike, until he takes off his helmet.

Sport bikes are just all around awesome. I have one and my boyfriend just bought one. Teaching him to ride has brought us closer together and done wonders in other areas. As a guy who only started riding 3 years ago i have noticed no real difference in interaction with the opposite sex as a result. A few have indicated that they like the idea and a few of my girl mates have joked that i better watch out around them because riding has made more more attractive (just as a joke). My steady gf of one year has openly said it makes little to no difference at the way she see's me as we where already dating before she knew i loved to ride.

Ironically though she say's that my enthusiasm for riding is an attractive quality. Its not the bike itself but my love for riding she likes. I think its more that girls like a man with his own interests more than what those interests actually are if you know what i mean? I ride an Adventure Touring styled bike or duel purpose BMW because i can go anywhere on it and in New Zealand that is a big plus. They are not as 'sexy' as the crotch rockets or as styled as street bikes but that is not the reason i ride so it doesn't matter much to me. My advice is if you love riding then do it!

But if you are riding for different reasons maybe not such a good idea. Riding is dangerous and even more so if you don't do it regularly and are prone to showing off. In general you will live a much longer more fulfilling life if the only person you are trying to impress is yourself. Where the opposite is true if your'e motivation is just the approval from others.

Motorbikes are no exception. Just my thoughts. The new fad is the supersports and leader bikes. Just be warned, anyone you consider long term boyfriend material most definitely shouldn't be riding an H2 or high end ducati. Most definitely not an H2R 2018 by kawasaki. That shit chirps and it's scary as fck at first.

Still gets you shaking when you ride it again. 55k bike that cost a fck ton to insure in your ealry 20's. Fck rediculas. I have to work two full time trade skill jobs as 20/hr each to pay for it and manage my other expenses as well as my car and 600 kawi. Cars are more violent to bikers. My knowledge on this subject doesn't come from a American glamorised Tv show. It comes from having my mums boyfriend being a motorbike instructor, and having a grandfather who loves his harleys ok?

Hot Chicks With Dirt Bikes

Thats the first thing. Legally bikes are allowed to shift between cars, But cars as usual are selfish and hate that, and will purposley stick their front end out to prevent it. When there's a group of bikers, they're usually doing a long trip if they're in a group like hells angels, and people on bikes go faster than cars anyway so there's no hogging. You're talking about 17 year olds who don;t wear protective gear and don't have a clue about what they're doing, Real bikers are no threat at all, In fact cars are they purposely knock bikers off, I've had experience with this before. And about the show off thing, it's like telling a girl not to flaunt her body, If you got it show it but don't be cocky. I suggest starting on a 250 or 300 used kawi ninja.

Good bike to get used to and make sure you aren't getting ripped off. Look for four major factors when looking into used bikes.

1) Any welding defects or welds done by 'owner or unprofessional' easily spotted.(Under no circumstances should you buy a bike that has any welding defects in the neck portion of the frame!) 2) Look for fairing damage such as scratches or cracks. Ensure the bike was never dropped or at what speed and how it was dropped. If it is vinyl wrapped or anything besides paint this is a must ask question. 3) Look for any safety wire along key locations of the bike to see if it is a track or racing bike and the owner didn't mention it to you. That would signal potential other hidden things based on the upfront dishonesty.

4) Not a deal breaker but ensure the forks aren't blown. Check this by rubbing the inside portion of the tube closest to the tire well/Chicken strip. If it is greasy or oily feeling it's blown.

Hahah, you got a brain behind that arrogance? Even a rider kitted out in gear won't stop a 600lbs bike from breaking every bone in his body if it rolls on him.

The best side of riding gear is to avoid road rash in all honesty. They'll promise everything in between and sure they 'HELP' in a crash but they have no 'structural integrity in a crash bro.' Hell, you could put your foot down while riding (Like a dumb ass) and lose balance, fall on that foot and you just broke that shit an 7 different ways. I've crashed a bike both with full gear and with none. Full gear 82mph laid it down hard. Broke my coral bone and fractured the hell out of my right shoulder and forearm.

I rolled out off that shoulder on asphalt contact. The only thing that jacket did for me to defend against the crash was 1) not tear up 2) decreased road rash effects That's pretty much it dude. I crashed my bike at 30 and fell just the right way to crack and total the bike + rip a chunk out of my chest. I don’t like crotch rockets. A standard bike is okay if he wants to ride it but not hot. Probably 90% off experiences riders can handle the bike ok on their own. Carrying another person is different.

You have to know if they have ridden a bike and explain that you lean with the driver. I still have a burn on my my leg from of boyfriend that said he flipped down the footrest. He did, just not mine, It was a new bike. Same guy, when we only had one helmet he used it for himself. We were downtown at light two people told me to dump him. I quickly did so after for other reasons but these were related.

They aren’t sexy but they do teach you about a person. Bro, the one thing you need to understand of all things is if you get a bike it's not for the ladies dude. It's for you. I got mine with the intention of getting ladies attention. Funny thing is you get more guys gawking over your bike then you ever will see ladies doing it. That's the reality, just learn to ride and love that shit. Learn to realize that police can be your best friends or your worst enemies as a rider.

Ride how you want and fuck the rest of that bullshit. Macpfuhhkb lite 2 for mac. My profile pic is of my greeny ass trying to look like a 'boss'.

That bike is a Honda CBR 250. That is a slow bike with little power in all reality.


Dirt Bike Looking Boys Bike

That doesn't mean i can't do wheelies and other stupid shit with it. I personaly like to ride like a jackass, i live in Arizona and most cops won't even chase me if i'm swerving cars and going faster then about 60-70mph. The only one to ever chase me was a blue dodge charger and his car outpaced mine easily. Thing is i can fit in between cars and he can't. It sounds stupid to anyone not riding but any rider out there knows the thrill to ride like that. Sure, we're all a dumbass on a bike at some point and think we're a little street rossi with limitless skills.

After you weck that hit at a high speed and spend a few nights in a hospitle bed you'll tone it down i promise you that much. The thing is a skilled rider and be 110% in control of his bike at 200mph and still eat the pavemant if someone else doesn't. Most of the crashed are due to another car not the rider. You'll learn to stay out of left lanes on green lights because those in the opposing lane can't see you flying by when they go to take a left turn. Same with blind side right turns. They can't always see you and it's hard to determine a motorcycles distance too arrival at their location and they'll often pull out looking to get rear ended without even realizing they shouldn't have pulled out yet. We're the minority on the road so act like you're invisible and know to ride like it.

If you can't be seen by others and they move were they want what's a rider to do? Go with the flow and use the openings. Know your limits though and when to break and how to break. No need to emergency stop and lock the back tire up. I've seen rider fly under cars after that shit. One dude got his Gsxr stuck under a lifted truck.

Funniest shit i ever saw dude! Also, you posted what looks like a V twin Harley style bike yet you mentioned sport or super sport style bikes. Women have a hard time differentiating the two by name and go off of appearance. You'll also come to know that woman find the two in a completely different realm and some woman love the Harley man while others love the sport racing bad ass.

On a side note i have never seen that bike before so i'm assuming it's a custom build especially given the exhaust and bars that lead into the neck and forks. The bars to fork seem off compared to the bikes build in my opinion. I think it would depend on all three variables in the equation. The dude The scooter he rides The chick I grew up listening to stories about my dad crashing a lot on various bikes. He even broke his neck on a brand new first year Z1A 900cc KawaSucky.

Because of those stories, I'm terrified of bikes. But man, I wish I had an old school Bobber! Anyways, one of my ex GFs said she was indifferent to bikes. I sat on my friend's crotch rocket, and she laughed at how 'silly' I looked.

When I sat on my other friend's Harley, I could see her panties get wet. I had him get on it, and she said he looked ridiculous. I got on a different Harley, and she said it was dumb. Plenty of chicks dig bikes, plenty don't care. But, when I go out in a fast car, and get that motherfucker sideways, that's when I come alive! And that will turn on damn near any chick! Side note: I like the bike in the picture but, I would have different bars.

The dude looks like one of these fucking hipster fags who only eats 'totally organic, gluton free vegan' shit. And drinks the gayest soy lattes that Starbucks has to offer, and complains when it's not heated to precisely the correct temperature. How tall are you?

If you're much over 6'2' I'd go more with a bike like the ZX. If you're between 5'8' and 6'2' and height weight proportionate you could get away with the sport bikes without too much pain. The forward lean angle can put a lot of pressure on the wrists. The ZX is a more upright angle, and more comfortable in stop and go traffic, and slow speed, straight line commuting.

They're addictive on winding, twisty roads though. Check out the VMAX by Yamaha. That's about the fastest straight line production bike you can buy.

This entry was posted on 11.02.2020.