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“ Well, look who it is? Quite a coincidence, that you and I end up in the same joint? Oh and, this? That ain't on you.

It's on our friend,. I gotta couple friends on the outside that'd love to meet him. You know, take some selfies, slit his throat, cram his head in the dryer. And a little birdie told me: you know who he is.'

'Gargan, you think if I knew who he was, he'd still be alive?' ” ―Scorpion and Scorpion (real name Macdonald 'Mac' Gargan) is a supervillain.

He is an adversary of the superhero. A live-action version of the character appeared in. Scorpion was created by and Steve Ditko.

Appearances Scorpion, here known as Max Gargan, traveled to to prevent from returning to K'un-Lun to compete in the Return of Shou-Lao, which would determine who would become king of K'un L'un. However, Danny Rand returned to K'un L'un with in tow. After a disguised Scorpion blinded Iron Fist to prevent him from competing, Iron Fist chose Spider-Man to fight in his place. During the Return of Shou-Lao, Scorpion utilized a number of dishonorable tricks to defeat Spider-Man, and placed the crown of K'un-Lun atop his head. However, the crown was a trap, and Scorpion was buried under a pile of gold coins, giving Spider-Man a clear path to the competition's real finish line, but Spider-Man chose to save him instead. Scorpion thanked his savior by racing ahead to the finish line anyway, but the Head Monk and Iron Fist appeared to reveal the Return of Shou-Lao was a test of character, and Spider-Man won by saving his opponent. Scorpion, furious that an outsider would be named king of K'un L'un, attacked Iron Fist, but was defeated.

As punishment for his actions, the Elder Monk of K'un-Lun exiled Scorpion from his homeland. He later joined the Sinister Six in a new suit to get revenge on the webhead but was defeated.

Mac Gargan is a professional criminal with a tattoo of a scorpion on his neck. He is potential buyer of, but thanks to, he ends up being apprehended by the authorities during an exchange with Toomes and is sent to prison. In a post credit scene, he approaches Toomes in prison (who has recently been arrested) and mentions that him and some of his associates want revenge on Spider-Man and was informed Toomes knew Spider-Man's identity. Toomes answers that if he knew who Spider-Man was, he would already be dead.

Sample book from PediaPress Here is an of the new book renderer. The layout changed quite a from the first version presented at Wikimania. Thanks for all the feedback. The export still has a number of significant issues: page breaks, infoboxes, tables, and math formulas need to be improved substantially. This reveals some of the problems that still need to be solved. Math formulas are currently rendered using MathML - switching to LaTeX should lead to significant improvements. Update on books, August 8 2018 We have been working with PediaPress on generating and styling the new books.


Hags Castleford Mac Techwikies.com

They have provided us with a sample of the current output, which will be very similar to the final version. We discussed points of improvement with the PediaPress team, which they are addressing currently. If you have any feedback or other comments on these samples, please let us know on the talk page. Update on books, April 2018 Books functionality will be returning via. After investigating the new in depth, we realized that core features of the original book creator (such as page numbers and table of contents) would be very difficult to implement using the new renderer. In addition, we had significant issues with our concatenation code. Thus, we had to look for alternatives in terms of bringing back the PDF books functionality on Wikimedia projects.

We reached out to PediaPress, who were the original patrons of books on Wikipedia to see if they would be interested in taking up PDF rendering for books once again. They have agreed and we are currently working on the details and schedule. They will start by working on a temporary solution based on an older technology that has previously been used to create PDF.

This might have some drawbacks when it comes to graphical elements, such as maps, but will mean a faster working solution. They then plan to work on a new HTML-to-PDF renderer afterwards, based on feedback on the first implementation. Update January 2018 We're currently preparing performance tests of the PDF to book function.

We should know more in early February. Update September 2017 Our current PDF rendering service, the (OCG), is no longer maintainable. Simply put, it's breaking down.

The at the Wikimedia Foundation has been working towards replacing it for months. OCG has been running on outdated code which may introduce security vulnerabilities and other major issues in the future. Over the last three months, we’ve had banners on the PDF creation page asking for on the prototype for our new renderer. The new renderer will have improved capabilities from OCG – it will be able to print tables and infoboxes and will contain styling focused on better readability. We've gathered a lot of good feedback on the prototype and are working on making the required updates to our new PDFs. Later addendum: Turning PDF book rendering OFF for the short term Unfortunately, major issues with our old renderer (OCG) will require us to remove it as a rendering option prior to completing the necessary updates for the books feature.

This is earlier than we wanted. By the time we remove OCG, the work for rendering of single articles will be completed. However, the rendering of books will be paused while we evaluate and complete the necessary work.

Our initial choice of renderer for the replacement, the Electron rendering service, is not capable of supporting PDFs of larger sizes and fails when attempting to render a book with multiple articles. We will be working to select a new rendering system for books which can handle the size of the files and support our requirements. This is not how we planned to do this. We never aimed to temporarily remove the book PDF functionality.

Hags castleford mac techwikies.com

Timeline:. Release of full-featured renderer for single articles (print to pdf) – Oct 1, 2017. Pausing book PDF rendering – Oct 1, 2017. Sunsetting of OCG renderer – Oct 1, 2017. Release of new PDF renderer – Jan, 2018 (tentative based on research results into alternative rendering systems) Functionality: For a full list of current and upcoming functionality, see.

In addition to this page being updated, this will be communicated in a banner on PDF creation page, in and on some Wikimedia mailing lists. Introduction Our current PDF rendering service, the, is no-longer maintainable. Simply put, it's breaking down. Originally created by a third party, it currently runs on outdated code which may introduce security vulnerabilities and other major issues in the future. If we're to have the PDF functionality, we unfortunately have to replace it, or we might suddenly find ourselves in a situation where we'd have to take it down without having planned to do so. Additionally, it does not support a number of rendering requests from the community, the main one being.

We have selected a new service, the, as a suitable replacement. Our next step is to duplicate the functionality provided by OCG using the electron rendering service. Below, we will describe the main portions of the functionality we have identified as necessary. We would like to invite conversation around what is missing or what is superfluous in the provided list. We would also like to highlight over our future plans for PDF rendering to gather initial feedback. Userbase The following table shows a sample of traffic to the Electron 'Download as PDF' service for over a 6 hour period. The traffic is broken down by operating system (OS), browser, and the browser major version (e.g.

Windows 7, Chrome v61.). Note well that the majority of our traffic appears to come from Windows based machines. Proposed PDF and print styles based on feedback from consultation We launched a consultation on the current implementation of the PDF renderer in early June, 2017. After reviewing the consultation responses, we have made the following observations:. A larger number of users preferred the single-column format over the double column format. Users which prefered the double-column format highlighted that their preference was based in the styling and look and feel of double columns. Development and Deployment Roadmap The following is a rough outline of the development and deployment roadmap.

It is subject to change.

This entry was posted on 11.02.2020.