How To Get Free Steam Games For Mac


Reap is a low-key, sepia-toned survival sim – think Minecraft on a Gameboy and you’re not far off. Here, your ship has broken up on the rocky shore of a mysterious island, and it’s up to you to make the best of it. Despite the simple presentation, there’s a lot going on. You’ll need to manage your hunger and energy levels by eating turnips – but you’ve only got a finite supply.

  1. How To Get Free Steam Games For Mac Download

To survive in the long term, you’ll need to plant more, scavenging tools by exploring the map for promising flotsam. It all keeps you rather busy. There’s also an overarching goal of recovering the pieces of a treasure map and digging up a chest filled with unimaginable riches – but if you ever want to find it, you’d better tuck into those turnips! All told, there’s far more depth to Reap than you might first assume.

So if you’re looking for somewhere to lose yourself for an afternoon, why not visit Reap’s island and see what you can unearth? Universal Paperclips is a ‘clicker’ game: a simple, browser-based game where you repeatedly click your mouse to make a number go higher. Sounds a little dry – but clicker games are brought to life by colourful themes, unlockable features and surprising twists and turns for patient players. This game is no exception – and it’s created something of a stir across the internet since its release. You take control of an artificially intelligent computer at a paperclip factory. Your simple job – initially, at least – is to make and sell as many paperclips as possible, managing production, marketing and R&D. But this is a game with wings.

Before long, paperclips are a secondary concern: your ever-more-powerful AI is too busy playing the stock market, solving world hunger, and curing male pattern baldness. To reveal much more would be to spoil the fun. But there are hours of slowly revealed fun to be had here, and an epic scale barely hinted at by the game’s humble beginnings. At the very least, try to keep playing till the music starts – you’ll know what we mean when you get there! As Below is a fun, mouse-driven platform game with a cartoonish graphical style that hides some rather ruthless gameplay. You play as a humble grub who’s had enough of living underground and sets out to conquer the above-ground world – a world of floating platforms.

Holding down the left mouse button aims a jump, and releasing it sees you flying up into the blue. You can then latch onto the underside of higher platforms, burrowing through to the surface before leaping up all over again. But this isn’t some benign game of ‘see how high you can climb’.

Steam windows games on mac

Your grub is hungry – and to stay alive, you’ll need to devour defenceless and rather skittish birds as you hurtle through the air. Eat enough, and you can evolve your grub to gain extra abilities: from a long, manoeuvrable tongue to the power of flight. At first, catching the birds is a real challenge, but as your grub grows more powerful they become easy prey – and you’ll relish the satisfaction of plucking them out of the air.

It's compelling, tasty fun. These days, being king (or queen) is pretty easy. But in times gone by, you’d actually need to make important decisions – with potentially serious consequences for you and your subjects.

In its own light-hearted way, that’s what Sort the Court sets out to simulate. Having decided whether you want to be a King or Queen, you’ll entertain a series of courtiers, peasants and other visitors – all of whom will come to you with a request. All you need to do is say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to each one. In each in-game day, you’ll have half a dozen or so such decisions to make. Then, as the sun sets on your kingdom, you’ll discover what effect your choices have had on your population’s size and happiness – as well as the all-important royal coffers.

Sounds simple enough, right? But by the end of day four, I’d bankrupted my kingdom through frivolous fishing subsidies and a steadfast refusal to rely on witchcraft to generate cash. Yep, that old chestnut. As the days roll by, the consequences of your earlier choices come back to haunt you, often in unexpected ways – and a hand-drawn art style, with charming day-night cycle, gives you even more of an incentive to play on.

Fans of indie gaming may well be familiar with: the fast-paced, lo-fi fencing game which pits two players against each other in a brutal and highly entertaining tug of war. Well, it was only a matter of time until such a successful title earns a parody – and EGGNOG+, while certainly poking fun at its better-known forebear, actually succeeds in being a fun and frantic little two-player title in its own right. For the uninitiated, this is how it works: the battlefield stretches across several screens, with ‘goals’ at each end and both players starting in the middle. Kill your opponent, and you can run one screen towards your goal – and if they kill you, they can do the same.

Reach your end of the screen and you’re the winner! But this basic description doesn’t quite convey the intense and highly acrobatic nature of the combat. From cheeky rolls and plunging dive-kicks to intricate and finely balanced swordplay, Eggnog+ – like its inspiration – is a game that rewards skilful play and thoughtful practice above mindless button-bashing. An essential play for fans of the original, or anyone looking for a game that balances skill with simplicity. We love a good one-button game here at Team Knowhow, and it’s always interesting to see how developers refine their ideas to work well with this simplest of control schemes. From the daring leaps of Canabalt to the compulsive fun of Cookie Clicker, one button can go a surprisingly long way – and then there’s Sisyphus.

This game is so simple, so stripped back, that it effectively works as a parody of the one-button genre. You play as the titular character of Greek mythology, famously cursed to roll a boulder up a hill for all eternity – and indeed, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing.

Tap the button as fast as you can to shove that big rock – but let up for a minute, and it’ll slide all the way back to the beginning again, taking your high score with it. And that’s it.

If that sounds a little boring, then you might be right. But you might also find yourself playing again and again to beat your high score – which is as compulsive here as it is in just about any other ‘clicker’-type game. Sure, the theme underlines the basic pointlessness of the gameplay.

But that doesn’t mean we’re not going in for another round. Weddings can be stressful at the best of times, but when a slug monster crashes the party and clones the bride things get even more stressful! In this game, you're tasked with finding the true bride from among the slug clones by carefully questioning and investigating each one to catch them in a lie.

If you've played games like The Secret of Monkey Island you'll immediately recognise the point 'n' click control scheme of Holy Molluscamony, with an assortment of verbs to choose from. These will let you perform a variety of actions like open, push, talk to, pick up amongst others. As you explore the game, you'll find objects to pick up and people to talk to – and hopefully some clues to help you find your friend! Holy Molluscamony is packed full of weird humour from the very beginning, which got me hooked into playing right through til the end. I also really enjoy the pixelated art style, which harks back to the days when point and click games were at their most popular. If you miss the old days of point 'n' click adventure, install Holy Molluscamony on your Mac today and see how long it takes you to save the bride. If you've ever felt the frustration of having too many keys on your keyring and having to spend ten minutes trying to find the one for your front door, you might not understand why someone would subject themselves to the same thing in a video game!

In You Have 293 Keys you must search through a pile of keys in order to find the one that unlocks the dungeon door, opening up your escape route. Unfortunately, the pile is quite large and you can only try one key at a time! You could get lucky and find the key you need straight away, or you could end up wading through a mountain of keys fretting about losing the one you want. It's easy to discard your unwanted keys by throwing them off the side of the map, but be warned – you could end up losing the right key and being stuck in the dungeon forever. What I like most about You Have 293 Keys is the juxtaposition of something mundane - finding a key – with something adventurous like escaping a dungeon.

The colourful design and moody synth music in the background are added benefits, giving you a reason to stick around long enough to find the key of your dreams. When you get too frustrated to continue, you can also take pleasure in dragging whole piles of keys off the edge of the floor. Give it a go and see how quickly you can make it to the exit! Like a 2D version of Quake, Tiny Arena spawns you in to a variety of deathmatch arenas against a number of lethal bots.

You'll rocket jump your way around the platforms, trying to line up the perfect shot while avoiding enemy fire to get to the score limit first. There are pickups to top up your remaining health as well as railguns and rocket launchers to give you the edge in a one-on-one conflict. Starting with a machine gun with an infinite supply of ammo, the railgun pickups are able to shoot through platforms and the rocket launchers explode into a large area of damage which can damage multiple opponents. Each level is part of the game's campaign mode, and each have a different score limit, time limit, number of bots, and difficulty handicap so no two levels are completely alike. There's a freeplay mode too where you can pick your own level options and set your own difficulty level if the campaign mode isn't challenging enough.

In a cyberpunk future of sci-tech, cyberjacking and memes, freelance Police-Detective Jonathan Murphy P.I begins a slow day at the office when a call comes in about the latest murdercide. Murphy is tasked with investigating the crime scene – but must first quit 'boogie-boarding the meme waves' and get out of his office. Like most point-and-click games, the right mouse button examines an object in the scene and the left mouse button performs actions upon said object. This time, however, when Murphy examines an object, his inner voice delivers a descriptive monologue dripping with similies and metaphors, sounding exactly like a veteran, grizzled film-noir character – whereas his normal speaking voice sounds like a morning radio DJ, with all the pep and enthusiasm that comes with it. The game is a short parody, but it's beautifully drawn and fully voice acted.

It's also loaded with puns and jokes that are so bad they're good! Some of the best jokes are hidden in the examination monologues – so you should examine absolutely everything!

We even noticed a touch of Alan Partridge – and a final punchline that paid off with a hearty LOL. Similar to Pictionary, Quick, Draw tasks you with drawing several pictures to help the computer guess what it is you're drawing. You're only given a word or phrase with no prompt on how you should draw it. You could be the next Da Vinci – but it won't make a difference. Normally a computer would struggle to tell the difference between one person's drawing of a cat and another's – but Google's experimental 'neural network' artificial intelligence means that the more the game is played, the better at guessing it will become. In fact, Quick Draw uses some of the same machine learning technology that helps Google Translate understand your handwriting. It doesn't just look at your final image to guess your picture – it looks at which strokes you make first, the direction of lines and the smaller details.

But the really impressive thing is just how accurate Quick Draw is. Put it to the test today and see what a start-of-the-art AI can do!

Made for, this short adventure game tasks you with exploring shifting catacombs while dodging all kinds of traps. There's a great use of space, with rooms appearing from beneath the desert every time you step on a new floor switch. Secret doors open, new corridors are formed, and new traps are revealed with every new switch. Some switches open new rooms – while others will reveal hidden traps and safe paths while you're standing on them.

The game will only take a few minutes to complete, but it's a very relaxed adventure with plenty of challenging moments to make the ending feel worthwhile. It's a fairly basic tiny pixel art game, but one full of charm and the music is enjoyable too. It feels like a taster for a much larger game – one that we'd definintely want to play! If Hell was a video game, Contrast may just be our version of it. It's a puzzle platformer with a difference – in that you must navigate a series of increasingly difficult environments to reach the end goal, but you've lost all sense of depth perception!

Platforms are coloured in either super-bright white or shadeless black, which become invisible when the background, the walls and the floors all match the same colour! Sometimes, what looks like a solid platform is really just a black or white hole, leading to the similarly coloured floor below. All 16 levels start the same way, with you walking around the environment and platforms. You'll need to inspect them from different angles to work out the best way to navigate to the end goal: a glowing yellow box. The only way you can see these platforms is by contrasting them against an object with their opposing colour – so you'll often need to memorise the paths and gaps leading to the end. This frustrating puzzler is ultimately very rewarding, however, when after countless retries you finally manage to complete a level.

Sometimes, all it takes is a leap of faith! Fans of the Wild West will be keen to play Smokin' Guns, a rootin' tootin' first-person shooter based on the wonderful Quake 3 Arena engine. Intended as a semi-realistic simulator of America's Old West, Smokin' Guns gives players a variety of historically accurate weapons and movie-inspired maps to play around in – so no BFGs or railguns to keep you entertained! The weapons aren't just visually accurate to their real life counterparts, either.

Each weapon has its own pros and cons that make them stand out from each other. Will you pick a pistol with low damage but quick reload times?

Or maybe opt for a sawed-off shotgun to devastate your opponents at close range, but suffer from having only two rounds to fire before you have to reload again! There's quite a decent variety of weaponry to choose from, with your standard pistol, rifle and shotgun categories as well as 'special' weapons like throwable knives, dynamite and mountable Gatling guns to stir things up a bit. If you're a fan of Quake 3 Arena you won't recognise much: this is a complete overhaul of the game, with all new maps, weapons and game modes. If you want a true Wild West experience, why not try the 'Duel Mode' which limits your weapon choices to pistols only, and starts off each round with you and an opponent facing each other. Once you've picked your pistol of choice and the music runs out, the contest begins! Take your shots, and if you're the winner you get to move on to your next opponent almost straight away – while the loser has to wait in a queue until their next turn is up. Make sure your aiming skills are good, because you'll do varying damage depending on the body part you're shooting at!

Head shots are nearly always an insta-kill, but you'll probably survive getting shot in the leg or arm a couple of times. If you know you're not as skilled as the other players, make sure to grab pick-up items like a boiler plate to use as armour, or money to purchase more powerful weapons. These items can make all the difference in a competitive game – so just hope you reach them before your enemies do! In celebration of the upcoming StarCraft Remastered, Blizzard are giving away the original StarCraft for free!

If you love real-time strategy games and haven't played StarCraft yet, now is your chance. StarCraft is the sci-fi alternative to Warcraft, another RTS game which eventually evolved into the MMORPG World of Warcraft – one of the most popular MMOs ever made. StarCraft never got an MMO facelift, yet is noted as being one of the most important RTS games in history. It also remains one of the biggest eSports in the world – which explains why it's now getting a full-HD remaster decades after it was initially released. Choose from one of the several available factions to play as, then get stuck into the campaign mode where you'll have to move your troops and build base defenses in order to beat your opposition.

Each faction has its own perks, abilities and history for you to learn and exploit – my favourite faction are the biologically engineered Zergs. These don't use much technology, but can regenerate health rapidly – and thanks to their high breeding rates you can spawn small armies of Zerg warriors to swarm your enemies! For a game that came out almost 20 years ago, it's still very enjoyable to play. It's challenging in all the right places, forcing you to adapt to whichever race of beings you're fighting instead of letting you use the same tactics over and over again! And if you love playing the base game, you'll also be pleased to hear that the Brood Warexpansion is also available for free, adding new maps, character units, campaigns and upgrade advancements for you to enjoy. All told, it's a great slice of gaming history for your Mac – so grab a copy today and begin the Zerg rush! Wave Run is the frustratingly taxing, insta-restart game you need to play this month!

If you've played Super Meat Boy, you'll be instantly familiar of the mechanics of this title – which has you jumping and jetpacking over spikes through a series of mazes. Press Z to jump, then either tap or hold Z to jet through the air with your water-powered jetpack! Each section is scored based on how fast you can reach the next checkpoint. Hit a spike trap and you'll instantly respawn at your last checkpoint and your time will reset – but collect water refills every once in a while to keep your tank full, and you might just make it! The developer has managed to find the sweet spot with the controls, so you just know every mistake is your fault, rather than being blamed on unfair game mechanics! The decision to hide spike traps in water was a particular highlight that had us shaking our heads knowingly at the developer's tricks – and we didn't even realise you could dash with the X key until we'd already admitted defeat!

Taking us back to the days we used to play NBA Jam on the Sega Mega Drive with our mates, Shut Up and Slam Jam is on very familiar ground with its 2-vs-2 competitive b-ball court carnage! When a charity basketball match conicides with a kid's karate tournament at the same venue, it's decided that the event will be a combination of the two. Up to four players can participate in two teams of two, but bots are also available if you want to play by yourself. There's a variety of kicks, jumps and all kinds of weaponry to take down your opponents without fear of giving away a penalty. Deal enough damage and your opponents will hit the deck for a few moments, leaving your free to run down the court! The sound design is fantastic, especially the roar of the crowd, the squeak of sneakers on the court floor and some genuinely funny commentary from the pundits.

The game was put together for – but has since been polished to perfection with a few recent tweaks. You’d be forgiven for thinking Max Gentleman is nothing more than a fancy hat simulator, like Team Fortress 2 or Transformice. Instead, you’ll find a great party game of hat acrobatics as you attempt to stack as many fancy hats on your head as possible, while avoiding the flying mugs of beer and other obstacles that threaten to topple your tower of trendy toppers. Play solo or competitively against a friend, and stack those hats like they’re going out of fashion! The mechanics are surprisingly simple; move your character left and right to position yourself and use the up and down keys to highlight your hat of choice.

When an enemy throws an object at your hats from the edge of the screen, you can ‘jump’ your highlighted hat (and the stack above it) to avoid being hit and keep your score running. To get the highest scores, you’ll have to time your hat hops to perfection – and the higher your stack of hats, the harder it becomes to avoid the projectiles tossed at you! If you’re after a good party game you can play from the comfort of your sofa, with plenty of humour and easy-to-understand controls, you can’t go wrong with Max Gentleman. Built for the National Museums Scotland Game Jam, this endless arcade-style pixel-art game challenges you to fly Dolly the Sheep (Yes, that Dolly) through the air collecting lost clones. You see, the other clones have been up to mischief by seeing how many of them could fit into an atom smasher. Catastrophe strikes when this results in the creation of a Grossman-manifold vortex - oh no!

Still with us? We hope so, because what follows is a fantastic point-chasing game which has you dodging atom smashers, riding Concorde and even taking rockets into space in the search for missing clones and items from the museum's collection of artifacts. Collecting an artifact gives you a temporary forcefield allowing you to make a mistake without it ending the game. Hit an atom smasher without a protective shield and the game is over, and your final score calculated. We managed to collect every artifact on our best attempt, can you beat our score? We were here is a two player co-op experience where communication is vital. Solving puzzles with your mates is a huge amount of fun which is probably why escape rooms are extremely popular at the moment.

The first person puzzler is set in a castle but you'll each be in two seperate locations, one in a library and the other roaming around the rest of the castle. The clues you'll need to solve the puzzles you face can only be seen by your opposite number. Thankfully you're given walkie-talkies to speak with one another to relay the information. There's a sense of urgency which adds to the tension.

Your goal is to escape but time is limited. The game has full VR support as well so if you're lucky enough to own an Oculus Rift or a HTC Vive, you can jump right in and be fully emersed in the world. For the rest of us, we can play with gamepads so there's no reason to skip this one.

Deck Dungeon is a super-simple card game RPG which tasks you with progressing through several levels of a dungeon while clicking on cards to find loot, battle enemies and survive for as long as possible. There are five types of card, types including money, hearts, weapons, enemies and bosses. Money is used to buy more powerful weaponry. Weapon cards have an 'ATK' rating, which is how much damage it will cause to enemies with a successful hit. To equip these, you'll need to spend the same amount of money as the ATK rating. Small amounts of money can be collected from cards – but the mega-money can only be collected from slain enemies!

While battling enemies, you'll likely take damage and lose HP. When you lose all of your HP, the game is over – so you're going to want to find heart cards to reclaim lost health. These, of course, also cost money so you're going to need to find a balance between reclaiming lost health and upgrading your weaponry. A stronger ATK means you can take down an enemy in a fewer number of rounds, and you're less likely to take damage. But the more powerful enemies can devastate your HP in a single blow – so be sure to have spare cash to recover after each battle! Boss battles are normally tougher, but reward you with a maximum HP boost and lots of cash to play around with.

Just don't get over confident! Rex is a digital board game that's similar to chess: there are fewer pieces and a smaller board, but tons of scope for scheming and strategy. Each player has a King, which can move three spaces in any direction; two priests, which can move two spaces in any direction; and two guards, which can move – you guessed it – only one space in any direction.

The aim of the game is to remove all of your opponent's pieces from the board by taking them in a move. Gone are the advanced strategies of check, castling and 'Petrov's defense' – here, it's all about back-to-basics, toe-to-toe scrapping with your opponent. For new players, a full tutorial showcases each of the piece's available moves – and once you're ready, there are increasing levels of difficulty with AI opponents ranging from Novice to Expert –and there's even a two-player mode where you can battle it out against a friend, or team up to take on an AI. As well as 'Battle' mode, there's also 'Duel' mode, which has you tasked with taking the enemy king as your main objective.

Pieces may still be in play – but as soon as the king falls, it's all over. It's the most powerful piece on the board, and can be deadly in the right hands. Flight is a golden oldie that we recently got some time to play through again! The paper plane game was first published by Armor Games in December 2010 and since spawned countless other 'grind'-style games – which have you repeating the same level over and over again while collecting power ups, scoring points, hitting boosters and trying to travel as far as you possibly can.

After an initial fling into the skies with the mouse cursor, you're in control of the aircraft's pitch and booster engine until you burn through your fuel. After each run of the level is over, you're granted cash to spend on upgrades like a better plane design, a powered engine, better fuel economy and score multipliers. Some upgrades give you some degree of control over the plane – but all of this uses precious fuel.

You'll aim to collect stars to earn cash, with golden shooting stars being worth extra and giving a handy speed boost. Paper cranes can also be collected, which add to your cash pot and can be upgraded to give similar boosts. Finally, windmills are spaced out across the canopy and give an extra boost into the skies if you hit them when coming down for a sudden landing. All told, the game is well presented, very addictive and just begs you to have just one more go! With recent news that the much-anticipated sequel will be released sometime next year, this month we've taken another look at Kyle's original AOL Instant Messenger simulator game. Harking back to our younger days of Windows XP, instant-messenger programs and being full of teenage angst, Emily is Away reminds us of the days we'd log on to MSN Messenger after school, waiting patiently for our friends to sign in and then playing it cool (read 'freaking out') when our crush would appear! Rule number one was never to start a new conversation as soon as they came online: you had to give it a minute or so, so as not to look too interested – but inevitably, they'd log off again soon after and you'd miss your chance!

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes! Emily is Away plays on these experiences and follows the relationship between your character and best friend Emily over five years of their lives in a branching narrative. From high school graduation through moving away to college, you'll decide which way the relationship goes with the choices you make – with you having to physically ' each pre-scripted message. It's a wonderful way to make the game feel like you're actually responding to Emily's messages – and even includes moments where your character self-censors to avoid showing his true feelings.

We can't wait to try out Emily is Away Too next year – so if you've got a spare hour, give this one a try and relive those nostalgia-fuelled days of emoticons, cool lime-green fonts and music-inspired away messages.a. An entry in the under the theme of 'One Room', General Room places you as a high-ranking general tasked with fending off enemy forces in a tabletop map battle. These enemy forces include light infantry, rocket troops, minigun-wielding juggernauts and a selection of different heavy vehicles, which are all dropped before marching towards your base. You have some troops and tanks of your own that you can pick up and place on the map – but your best defense is a good strong flick to ping the enemy pieces off the table! It might sound like cheating – but all's fair in love and war, as they say. You'll want to assist your units by getting rid of enemy rocket troops early, as these can be lethal to your infantry and light tanks. You can even pick up and move enemy troops away from the front line, so your troops can mop up a much smaller resistance before moving forward.

Once you've taken out the enemy troops with some Subbuteo-like flicking skills (and a little help from your army), you're able to take down the enemy headquarters and claim victory! The game has some fantastic artwork and sound design which makes it infinitely charming and replayable. Definitely worth a quick playthrough!

Recently, we took a look at Robin Johnson's Draculaland in, which happily led us to check out his latest work of interactive fiction, Detectiveland, which at the time of writing is being judged as part of. The game places you in the gumshoes of Lanson Rose, private investigator, as you scrape together a meagre living by solving three unique cases, which you can play in any order.

Like Draculaland, the game is completely mouse-controlled to avoid the kind of annoying word parser troubles seen in most other text adventures. You'll find clues – some useful and some useless – and store them in your bottomless pockets, while interacting with many different characters with unknown motives and exploring a whole town full of streets and avenues to get lost in. Thankfully, you can hail a cab to get you where you need to go faster! Bloodlust is a stylised infinite-wave survival game that places you in the cape of a hungry vampire who must feed to stay alive.?

As your health slowly drops, mobsters with machine guns – or 'shady vampire hunters', as developer Lung calls them – spawn into the game area and try to take you down with a hail of silver bullets. As the bullets fly, you'll need to dodge them with a dash move – while also taking down the mobsters and feeding on them to regenerate your health.

Bigger mobsters earn you more points while also regenerating more health with each feed. While dashing, you're also invulnerable to damage,so you can cut through the bullets while attacking.

You can't overuse it, though, as it has a cool down that can leave you vulnerable! The game is points based – so your aim is to survive for as long as possible while racking up points with each successful feed. The Little Crane That Could is a fun construction simulator for both Mac OS and iOS, putting you in the driving seat of an industrial crane and challenging you with a variety of tasks to complete.

You’ll take control over driving your crane and manipulating the arm and claw to pick up, move and drop all kinds of items – from bridge parts to basketballs! The controls are fairly simple, but the execution isn’t, and you’ll need to drive carefully or you’ll crash your crane and fail the level. What I like about The Little Crane That Could is that even though it portrays itself as a ‘serious’ game, it’s also a little silly – and that’s a good thing. Instead of going for the realism of having to actually work on a construction site, you’re treated to something much more fun, like dunking basketballs or building a bridge while you’re balanced on it! If you enjoy playing the free version of the game, you can buy extra levels from the App Store, but there’s so much replay value to be had with the main game that I’ve not felt the need to upgrade yet. I would recommend this game to anyone with the patience to play it: you’ll need good coordination to not tip your crane over or drop your load in the wrong place, and you’ll end up playing some levels again and again until they’re perfected.

If you’ve played games like Surgeon Simulator, Farming Simulator or Euro Truck Simulator and didn’t quit out of frustration, you’re bound to enjoy The Little Crane That Could! takes you to the high seas as you battle other players for naval supremacy. We love the '.io' games – they're basically the games you used to play on graph paper at school brought to life! Doblons looks deceptively simple, but there's some important decisions to make should you survive long enough to upgrade your ship.

More weaponry may sound like the obvious one to go for – but you'll lose precious speed which may leave you unable to flee if you run into a fight you can't handle. As you sail around, you collect coins that will allow you to purchase upgrades such as a stronger hull, a faster turning speed and greater damage for your cannons. You can even purchase extra ships for your fleet, which follow you around collecting coins and causing a nuisance for the enemy. Each enemy you kill gives you points which brings you further up the leaderboard.

How To Get Free Steam Games For Mac Download

Be careful though: once you're sunk, it's all over! Successfully navigate the waters for long enough and you might even feel ready to tackle the mighty SS Doblons, Dutchman and Black Pearl – AI controlled 'Boss' ships bristling with cannons and armour. Be warned, it takes a lot of firepower to even dent it! We've played some tough titles in our search for the best free Mac games, but we think we may have found the hardest yet! It's not exactly fair from the beginning, because it joins two pretty challenging games into a single powerhouse of perplexity.

If either your Pong or Chess talents are lacking, you're going to have a bad time. You must move your chess pieces to attack the Pong ball that your opponent is firing your way with a paddle.

Fail to successfully 'take' the ball with your move and it will sail past your defences and end the game. You're unlikely to last for more than a few turns, but it does allow for a good amount of strategy if you're up to the task. Move your pawns forward and you can start to move out your back row, including the Queen and Rooks. Move your pawns out to the board edge and you'll spawn an extra high-scoring ball – but obviously, the difficulty spikes through the roof.

There are even greater difficulty levels which remove some of your more valuable pieces! What do you get if you take a pinch of Super Mario Galaxy, a dash of Devil Daggers and squeeze them into a tiny Game Boy-sized package? You get YISAEWYD, that's what. Made by a single developer for, the retro-looking game takes place across several small planets and tasks you with surviving for as long as possible while being pursued by malevolent eyeballs. The GBJam has rules that the devs must follow, including only using four colours and the Game Boy's resolution of just 160 x 144 pixels. You're not completely defenseless, because you'll find objects to pickup and throw at the relentless swarm: sometimes it's a crate which you can lob at the nearest threat, but you'll also find bombs which can take three or four enemies out at the same time. There are also collectables to boost your score, but the longer you survive, the higher your score will climb.

The biggest thrill in the game has to be the way you're able to traverse from planet to planet with the help of low gravity. You jump and double-jump off the surface of a planet, and if you're close enough to another planet when you reach the apogee of your jump, you'll be pulled to the surface with its gravitational pull. You can pull some impressive escapes using this technique when all hope is lost and you're running out of bombs!

The humble text adventure has made somewhat of a heroic comeback thanks to the rise of indie development. For the Ludum Dare 36 game jam, a designer behind the Bafta-winning Alien: Isolation has created one of the most immersive text adventure games we've ever played. A House Abandon begins, like many other text adventures before it, with your character in front of a foreboding house – but quickly becomes something entirely unique. Every detail of the game – from the loud tapping of the retro keyboard as you type to the flicker of the CRT television you're playing the game on – oozes a delightful retro 80s feel. The soundtrack is exceptional – and after watching Netflix's Stranger Things recently, we're instantly reminded of why we enjoyed that so much.

The game has a meta twist, which we won't spoil here, that frankly had us desperate to only continue playing this with the lights on and our backs to the wall. Taking inspiration from iOS and Android titles Super Stickman Golf and Desert Golfing, this fun browser-based game takes 2D golf gameplay and packs it with frenzied multiplayer action. The moment you join a game, you'll be assigned a random username, and must battle it out with other players from around the world across multiple courses. The aim, of course, is to sink your ball in the lowest number of strokes – with tie-breaks being decided based on how quickly you're able to score. Gameplay is straightforward, with your arrow keys and space bar determining direction and power of your shots respectively. There are some quirks with the game's physics that only add to the fun, as you're never quite sure where your ball will end up – which makes sinking a hole-in-one all the sweeter. On one occasion, our ball sailed to an easy hole-in-one, only to catapult into the air as it reached the edge of the hole.

The group of players we played with all used the built-in reaction emotes to express their amusement. While keenly competitive, it's immensely fun – and the reactions of other players certainly add to the game's appeal. Hey Dave, we don't mean to brag or anything, but. We beat your best time! TwoTap is a deceptively simple two-button reaction-based browser challenge, tasking you with tapping either the left or right arrow key to coincide with a pattern of blocks. The faster you're able to tap out each pattern, the more levels you'll be able to skip, with each subsequent level having a much tighter time limit. What starts as a relatively straightforward game very quickly becomes impossibly difficult!

We had to stop before we burned through the keys on our keyboard, but challenge anyone to beat our score of 9.47 actions per second! It was probably a mixture of fluking it and an easier random pattern but we certainly felt like we'd achieved a decent score with this one! Anything faster than that gets a big hi-five from us – let us know in the comments. Built by just one guy for the game jam, the game is a parody of a well-known intellectual property that I'm sure you've heard of before. It's a light-hearted RPG tale, concering a set-in-his-ways grandpa who must search for his over-excited grandson after he runs off. Fearing a telling off by his daughter, grandpa decides to join in with the search for Pokeymans to help him track down his lost grandson. The game features charming Pokeymans including 'Peekachorp', 'Charblezorb', and 'Literally A Ball With A Face On It' – and there are 18 to find in total.

Your progress will also be tested along the way by characters including punks, Pokeyman-playing kids and other elders who will stop you in your tracks until you've impressed them by locating elusive rare Pokeymans or leveling up your character. The latest challenger to has the distinct feeling of retro classic Qix and Disney's Tron by bringing together the former's line-drawing, fencing-off gameplay and the latter's battleground game-grid. The multiplayer game is playable in your browser, and tasks you with scoring points by drawing lines to create rectangular shapes. Each successful shape adds a number of points to your score based on how large an area you were able to capture.

There's an element of risk involved with this, however, as starting a run to capture new territory leaves you vulnerable to other players cutting off your trail – and carving out larger shapes makes you vulnerable for longer. The map is really large, so at first you'll not notice the other players building their empires – but when you do find them, it gets really tense! It doesn't matter how large your empire is either, you can be taken out of the game by a single mistake. is an isometric 'twin-stick' style online multiplayer shooter with an emphasis on fast-paced, immediate respawn deathmatch gameplay.

There are nine classes to choose from – including Rockateer, Arsonist, Run 'N Gun, Detective and Duck – with each class having its own specific loadout. The available gear includes rocket launchers, miniguns, flamethrowers and hand-cannons – and some classes even come with secondary weapons, which can lead to tactical weapon switching in the heat of battle. Some of the game modes we were able to play included a standard free-for-all, team deathmatch, an end-zone rush game and even a few games of insane 'rockets-only' battles. You can also create an account to let you record your achievements and earn rewards, in the form of cosmetic upgrades, based on how well you play. Each battleground, though already slightly different in layout, can also be completely overhauled with texture mods to allow you to switch out all the textures and player characters models with new ones – including Minecraft, Mario and Undertale. There's also a very active if you're keen to join the community.

The premise is deceptively simple: you must drive your little vehicle to the exit of a maze. Now, the game wouldn't be much of a selection without a special mechanic to shake things up a bit – and Crash!! has just the thing. When you bump into a wall, your vehicle instantly changes direction – and what once turned your vehicle to the right is now flipped, and pulls you to the left! You steer your vehicle with the arrow keys, but the controls are extremely twitchy and you'll very quickly throw caution to the wind and start smashing your way to victory. Headphone users will find it hard to play with the volume on for very long, as the soundtrack is quickly replaced with the cacophonus din of multiple crashes!

Levels get progressively more difficult, too with the addition of -like brick walls to smash through, one-way barriers, teleporters and door-opening toggle switches. Crash!! is immensely good fun – and playable immediately in your browser! Ravenfield is a free, experimental single-player title that aims to give the likes of a run for their money! Just like Battlefield, the aim is to win each round by capturing flags and killing enemies to earn 200 tickets. You fight as as blocky blue soldier against a team of blocky red soldiers, assisted by weapons including a pistol, assault rifle, sniper rifle, rocket launcher and shotgun. There are also jeeps and helicopters for you to pilot, letting you support your allies from the ground and the air. Though it's only single player, you're supported by scores of AI troops, which flood out of the spawn point and fall about with satisfying ragdoll physics. Each flag you capture and hold earns your team a score multiplier, meaning each successful kill earns more tickets.

Be sure to play the objective if you want to win! For a title, the visuals are fantastic, contrasting a detailed battleground with the low-poly soldiers, vehicles and weaponry. It has an undeniable Battlefield feel – especially when your allies all pile into all the available vehicle at the spawn point and drive off without offering you a lift, leaving you to hike it towards the nearest capture point all by yourself.

Yep, that's just about my experience of any Battlefield game. It's a game that can be traced back nearly 1,500 years, with the earliest predecessor probably originating in India – and now, the classic game is on Steam for Mac owners to download and play.

Simply Chess is exactly what it says it is. Enthusiasts and occasional players alike will find the game extremely accessible, and the feature list is very impressive! The game can be played locally against the computer or in a hotseat mode with a friend. The game boasts a world-class ' AI, with 100 difficulty levels – which is great for new players looking to improve their skill. If you're looking for a real challenge, however, you can take it online to compete against other players and rank in a global leaderboard. The game also offers asynchronous play, meaning you can make your next move even if your opponent is offline. Naturally, there's mouse and keyboard support, which can be seamlessly switched to gamepad controls if you want to take it to your living room in Steam's 'Big Picture' mode.

Thankfully, you can also switch between 3D and 2D rendering to get the full picture of the board at any time. For the collectors among you, there are also plenty of Steam Stats, Trading Cards, Backgrounds, Emoticons and Achievements to unlock as well!

Us PC users have it easy when it comes to gaming. But our Mac brethren? Well, that's another story. Apple computers might be sleek, beautiful machines designed for efficacy, but they're a little bit overlooked when it comes to gaming.

Well, sort of. Because we love you, here are fifteen great Steam games that would totally rock your silvery-white system of choice. In no particular order: Killing Floor Killing Floor is a survival horror FPS in which a team of six must work cooperatively to cleanse the English countryside of hostile creatures — by-products of failed cloning and genetic manipulation experiments. Each round completed grants you money to upgrade your weaponry, and experience adds up to perks you can use to level up your character class. Although not the cleanest game aesthetically, its quality has been proven through its longevity.

Released in 2009, fans have been playing it non-stop ever since. It’s even getting a sequel, Killing Floor 2. No word yet on when KF2 is coming to OS X, but don’t let that stop you from joining the fun.

The Killing Floor scene is alive, kicking, and perfect for the casual FPS fan. Besiege Besiege is a construction-based game about the art of destruction. Yes, you're going to build things to destroy other things. Sounds fun right? Using a variety of tools, you must build war machines and vehicles to wreak havoc on fortresses and peaceful villages. In some levels you must transport objects, in others withstand armies of tiny angry men and tiny sheep that pop like cute fuzzy balloons filled with blood.

As of now, the game can be completed within an hour, maybe less if you build a dynamic enough machine. However, Besiege isn’t the type of game you should just power through. The real fun comes with the building process.

You’ll either create something magnificent, or something that will destroy itself as soon as you hit the space bar. Although still in Early Access, at only $6.99 Besiege is definitely worth a buy. Counterstrike: Global Offensive Like its predecessors in the series, CS:GO is a multiplayer first-person shooter developed and published by Valve. The player joins either the Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist forces, and works with the rest of their team to secure different objectives on the map, or simply destroy the enemy team.

There are five different game modes, with the most popular being Classic Casual and Competitive. If you die once in a round, you must wait until the next round for re-spawn, which means less reward and a higher chance of defeat. League of Legends If you haven’t heard of League of Legends, let us introduce you to the smash-hit Multiplayer Online Battle Arena that a mere 68 million people are playing worldwide. If you’re tired of hearing about it and you’re just intimidated by the genre, rest assured that League of Legends is the perfect entry to the MOBA world. Team up in two groups of 5 to battle it out on Summoners Rift with the ultimate objective of taking the enemy Nexus. The champions pool is diverse and you’re sure to find one that suits your playstyle.

Plus, the game is free-to-play so there’s is nothing to lose (other than your dignity!) Don't Starve and Don’t Starve Together Can you stay a gentleman while you're slowly going bloomin' mad? Don't Starve is a 2D survival simulation that practically bleeds Tim Burton. While the graphics might be reminiscent of a children's pop-up storybook, the actual game is made out of delicious, delicious nightmares. You begin with nothing but the bare basics and must, through raw ingenuity and sensible behavior, chisel a living from the barren, unholy wilderness. Don't Starve was already spectacular when it first launched, but time and an eager community have this game even better with the release of its expansion Don’t Starve Together. You can now cooperate with friends in a private game or take chances by grouping up with strangers online to work together in surviving the obscure wildlife and harsh environments. Crypt of the Necrodancer Crypt of the Necrodancer is a mixed genre game that incorporates elements of a roguelike dungeon crawler with a beat matching rhythm game.

It’s a clever and quirky spin on an old classic. Using either a mouse and keyboard, gamepad, or even a dancepad, the player can traverse the map, but can only successfully move or perform an attack to the beat of the song playing. This game might sound like a one trick pony, but with a diverse gallery of enemies and 16 tracks accompanied by unique visuals, the game executes well. Team Fortress 2 You can't go wrong with the classics! Team Fortress 2 is a game that requires only minimal introductions. A team-based first-person shooter that is all but bristling with hats, Team Fortress 2 is goofy, airy and riddled with classes for everyone. Prefer to be quick, nimble and deadly?

Go with the Scout. Play a Heavy if you like mini-guns and slicing down people who don't check before they turn down corridors. Feel like confusing the enemy? The Spy's your guy.

There's a reason as to why Team Fortress 2 is still so outrageously popular today, in spite of having been around for years. XCOM: Enemy Unknown XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a really, really good game. If you didn't already know that, you probably haven't spent much time on the Internet. The turn-based strategy game puts you in command of a secret organization dedicated to curbing the alien menace. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is one of the few games capable of making little gray men seem genuinely threatening, a miracle by any stretch of the word. I'm told the game is difficult, but completable.

However, I can't attest to that personally. Iron Man mode is an addictive monster. Borderlands 2 What's there to say about Borderlands 2 that hasn't been said yet? The third-person shooter features a rather diverse crew of Vault Hunters, each armed with a diverse set of talents.

Both the story and the environments are loud, loud, loud. Neon-colored and draped with outlandish characters, Borderlands 2, much like its predecessor, doesn't try to be a heavy game.

Instead, it focuses on being fun and being a vehicle for obsessive-compulsve behaviour. Equipment of all shapes and sizes practically rain from the skies, along with cosmetic items to help customize your Vault Hunter.

This isn't so much a game for the thinker as it is a game for people who love fun. Papers, Please In direct contrast to the last recommendation, Papers, Please is practically bowled over by its own weight. As the immigrant officer, it's your duty to determine whether a new supplicant should be allowed access to your glorious country or subjected to worse weights.

Things get progressively more difficult the deeper you move into the game. Decisions that seemed easy at first will eventually leave you agonizing over the morality of the situation. Have I mentioned a family? You're responsible for a family.

Fail to bring the proverbial bacon home and you're going to get to watch them starve. (Also see: ) FTL: Faster than Light 'Tis the game that spawned the term roguelike-like. FTL is a top-down, real-time strategy video game which puts players in control of the crew of a single aircraft.

Charged with delivering vital information to allied forces, the ship must somehow find a way to survive the deadly, procedurally generated universe. There's an almost maddening amount of detail to worry about. Asteroids belts, hull breach-induced fires, hostile ships, lack of oxygen? What makes FTL even more unnerving an experience is the fact that it runs on perma-death. Just think about that. Gone Home Gone Home is. This first-person interactive story is focused around a girl called Kaitlin Greenbriar.

Freshly home from a yearlong trip aboard, Kaitlin discovers the family manor completely barren of people. Which is, well, a bit of a spooky start. Things progress from there. Scattered letters from Kaitlin's sister Samantha offers a voyeuristic glimpse of what went down in Kaitlin's absence. By now, you probably already know everything there needs to be known about Gone Home. But, in the interest of maintaining some sort of mystery, I'm going to stop here for fear of spoilers.

Gone Home is a lovely game albeit not quite a 'game' in the traditional sense of the word. Either way, totally worth playing in my opinion. Minecraft Look, you've got to know Minecraft. At this point in time, it's impossible to evade mention of Minecraft. It's in our shops, our talk shows, our memes, our other video games.

You can't escape Minecraft. Minecraft is omnipresent. Like McDonalds. The voxel-based sandbox that offers you a huge amount of creative joy. There are two modes, of course. One comes with enemies, the other unbridled amounts of freedom and no external threats.

What you choose to play is, of course, up to your personal discretion. Like Don't Starve, Minecraft has benefited from a loving community. Mods are a-plenty on the Internet; a single search's more than sufficient to have you set for life. (Alliteration, oh how I love thee.) Starcraft II The sequel to Blizzard's best-selling real-time strategy game has received a mixed response from the community.

Some have fully embraced the new changes that Blizzard implemented while others have evidenced longing for old-school, sci-fi war. But regardless of which camp you fall under, one thing's clear: Starcraft II is still a great game. The campaign's purportedly pretty okay, but it is the multiplayer component which truly shines. Additionally, this might actually be the perfect time to take Starcraft II for a test drive as Blizzard made the Arcade free for anyone to access. Amnesia: The Dark Descent EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

( Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a genuine, god-damned terror. Do not play it if you lack proper bladder control.) This article may contain links to online retail stores. If you click on one and buy the product we may receive a small commission. For more information, go.

This entry was posted on 17.03.2020.